Monday, June 22, 2009


An ode to chickens that know the drill; can bark orders, and wait tables. Kind of looks like prime time Sarah Palin sans the wink.

However, I don't think the chicken's expression is anatomically possible.
I like how the registration mark sits on the edge of the chicken's tongue.

Registered with Golden Chicken & Carry-outs.

Friday, June 19, 2009


postcard [detail]
? where
? when
no clue-just like it.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


It was reported that a coyote was shot today by the Milwaukee Police Department. The officers on scene, determined the coyote was an animal and therefore the possibility exists the animal could be rabid. Luckily, the officers were able to defend themselves when the coyote turned towards them. All I care about is that I paid for those bullets out of my tax dollars so I surely hope the officers were good shots.

As reported, coyote sightings in the area have been on the rise. I'm sure the possibility exists where a jogger may be challenged by an encounter with one of these buggers. Who knows what they eat? If I were walking down Lake Shore Drive, I would certainly not want to be interrupted. My time is important. What if I were texting someone, or, how would you like be driving along in your car and a bird appears out of nowhere and poops on your hood? I think it is time we refuse to let these inconveniences bastardize our lakefront and parks.

Round them up by pushing some tranquilizers inside of some hot dogs--they’ll eat them. Eat, sleep, simple. Meanwhile--clean them up while they are under and groom them, and it’s probably a good thing at this point to get them fixed. When they wake up--done deal, let’em go. I'm sure the city could contract with someone like Usinger's to sport some of their seconds at cost, just to be more green.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


"...ssstart the car, STAAART THE CARRRRR!"


Tuesday, June 09, 2009

\a.) dunk tank
b.) chutes and ladders
c.) just another water torture

Saturday, June 06, 2009


No matter what you call it, or how you slice it, a little electrical tape works wonders-

Friday, June 05, 2009